Sunday 8 March 2015

House with Chimeras

Profitable house architect V. Gorodetsky, who lived and worked here. Constructed building in 1901-1903 under the project of the owner. Sculptural decoration (author E. Sala) Display hunting hobby Gorodetsky. During the Soviet period was used as a departmental medical institution. In the early 2000s, restored, now house official functions of the President of Ukraine.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham was born February 12, 1809 in the poor family. Poverty family did not allow Abraham to study in a school, he studied only one year. Further knowledge was obtained independently. Pursuing self-education, Abraham passed the exams well, which made it possible to start law practice.
Activities as President Lincoln made a national hero of the country. Lincoln became the central historical figure in the minds of the American people, man, to prevent the collapse of the United States and made major contributions to the formation of the American nation and the abolition of slavery as a major obstacle for the subsequent normal development of the country.
On the play "My American Cousin" supporter Southerners entered the presidential box and shot Lincoln in the head. The next morning, without regaining consciousness, Abraham Lincoln died.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

17 week

On this week we continued to talk about numbers, prices and money again.
It was also a new job this week. Studied that can be count, and what is not.

Friday 23 January 2015

16 week

This week English task was as the right to call large numbers. There were also new words associated with money, goods, business, charity.

In principle, nothing difficult in the homework I have not seen. I’m still learning how to use a blog.

On the online meeting this week we studied the biography of MLK and what changes in American culture, what he made and for what desire he fought.

The topic of our face-to-face meeting was also about MLK. We discussed his life and so he became famous. And we spoke about the Future Tense-out where and under what circumstances it is necessary to apply the Will and going to and doing the job for fixing material.

In addition I want to offer the teacher distributed a little differently airtime on-line classes. Since our, Kiev group, the biggest - want to ask us more time. We can also make two cities with fewer students grouped together, we get 3 groups. Then, the two largest groups to allocate 30 minutes of time, and a more smaller group have 20 minutes. I think it would be fairer to calculate the time at all.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Tuesday 20 January 2015

About me

Hello everyone! My name is Oksana Kononets and I'm from Kyyiv-the capital of Ukraine. I'm 22 and I study at the university by social worker. Another bachelor graduated from a teacher of elementary school.
I am a person with disabilities, vertebra injury received in 2012. Before I was a make-uper. I love everything related to beauty. Since the blog - it's homework by English.